Nutrition Technician
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I work with clients with a range of chronic health conditions and can usually help most people in some way. To better answer this question, it would be best to set up an initial consultation, which involves filling out and returning our intake forms so I can get an idea of your history, chief complaints, and symptoms. During the initial consultation we will go over your intake forms with you and let you know what you can expect regarding specific outcomes.
Due to working outside the conventional medical paradigm, most insurance companies don’t cover costs and we do not take insurance directly. Itemized receipts can be provided for you to submit to HSA or FSA types of insurance plans, which in our experience will cover some or most of the costs involved. There are other insurance plans that may cover lab testing fees, which the lab will be able confirm prior to testing.
I accept most forms of payment, including Visa, MasterCard, Venmo and PayPal.
Yes! Blood can be drawn at a designated site in your area, or in some cases we can arrange to have a mobile phlebotomist come to you. All other lab test kits can be mailed directly to you and can be performed in the privacy of your own home. Samples are then sent to the lab and then we get the results. Once we have your results we can contact you to set up an appointment via phone, Zoom or Skype. All lab tests results will be emailed to you prior to your appointment.
I have a few lab tests that I like to recommend up front, which include a comprehensive blood panel (100+ markers), a hair tissue mineral analysis, and an intestinal permeability test. These three tests cover a very wide range of markers and will provide us with all of the information we need to get started. Which additional lab test(s) will be necessary and which are optional will be based on your case presentation and discussed during our initial consultation. On average, clients can expect to spend between $300-$1200 for initial testing. More complex cases may require additional specialty testing. I’ve made every effort to ensure that my clients are receiving the best direct-lab wholesale pricing on all lab tests.
There are many factors involved in the healing process, and how long it will take to heal will depend on your level of participation and commitment, your particular health issues, and your current state of vitality. It’s important to understand that it’s unreasonable to expect to reverse decades, and sometimes generations, of dysfunction in just a few weeks. We are all unique individuals with different histories, abilities, lifestyles, and needs, and so each healing process will necessarily be unique.
Whether you have chronic health issues or are just looking to optimize wellness, labs can be a vital part of the process. Laboratory assessments can help us to uncover root causes of your health concerns that may otherwise remain hidden. If you are interested in early detection or prevention, lab testing can help to identify underlying dysfunction even before symptoms begin to manifest. If you have a long history of health problems and have symptoms that remain unexplained or not properly addressed such as fatigue, weight gain, immune problems, etc., functional lab testing can help to uncover the mechanisms behind these common conditions. If you are interested in improving your performance at work or sport, fine tuning with lab testing and appropriate interventions can help you to perform at your highest potential.
Some of the blood tests I run on my clients can be ordered by your doctor, but I typically order many additional markers that your doctor will likely not be willing to run. Unfortunately medical doctors are very limited in what they can order because every marker needs to be justified to an insurance company. The fact that insurance companies can have such an influence on healthcare is one of the major shortcomings of modern medicine. Our blood panel covers about 100 markers and would cost well over $2000 if run through insurance. The end result is that doctors will typically run only a fraction of the markers. We get a massive discount by paying directly. Certain other lab tests we use are used almost exclusively by alternative health care practitioners and are often more comprehensive and technologically advanced than those used in the standard health care model. Furthermore, many conventional doctors either cannot or will not order certain lab tests if they are not covered by insurance.
We will provide you with the test kits that you need. With the exception of tests that require a blood draw, you will be able to collect your test samples in the privacy and convenience of your own home. All samples are sent directly from you to the laboratory, and each home test kit comes with pre-posted mailing supplies as well as instructions on how to complete the test. It usually takes around two weeks or less to receive test results from the lab. Should your testing require a blood draw, we will help you arrange to have your blood drawn by a licensed medical professional in your area. You will receive copies of all test results for your records.
Contact me to set up your initial consultation. I will respond by sending you an email with my intake forms to begin filling out, along with my fee schedule.
Ive tried to run abbreviated versions of my full Nutrition Technician blood panel for clients who are trying to save money and have recently done blood work with their physicians. Doctors typically run a CBC with differential, a Lipid Panel with Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio, and a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel. These three panels together cost a total of $21 through LabCorp. Our full Nutrition Technician panel includes these three panels as well as many more lab markers. We get a bulk discount for ordering so many markers at once but we lose the discount if we don’t include the panels you recently ran with your doctor. The loss of the discount ends up negating the money we would have saved by removing those panels and so in the end its better to stick with the full Nutrition Technician panel.